Monday, February 28, 2011

Girl Scout Cookie Sales.

Girl Scouts were selling there cookies on a city sidewalk jest like they have been doing for years and than someone complained about it last year. So now those Girl Scouts have to sell there cookies in front of the Girl Scout Founder's home.
I think that think that this is stupid because Girl Scouts are nice girls and don't do anything wrong. It is not like the girl scouts were make traffic. They should be able to sell there cookies on a city sidewalk.


  1. Only you Aaron xD Ahhhh.... Short and to the point. Made me laugh (: I agree, Girl Scouts are these nice little innocent girls. Who are they hurting by standing there selling their cookies? I mean really?! Come on now people -__-
    If Girl Scouts can sell their cookies in peace then what has this world come to?!

  2. girl scouts... i have never been apart of there group, for it would be like joining preppy marines. i like their chocolate chip cookies though..
